Come through and help support Bombay Gin!
Raffle Items include:
-$25 gift card to Trident Booksellers and Café
-signed copies of Brooke Gessay McNamura’s Feed Your Vow: Poems for Falling into Fullness, Sarah Schantz’s Fig, Richard Froude’s Fabric, Reed Bye’s Fire for Thought & The Lune, Vol.1, No. 5
-records donated from Bart’s Record Shop
-Sean Fields Magazine copies
& more!
Silent Auction Items include:
-1:1 writing consultation with Anne Waldman
-2 hour card reading by Selah Saterstrom
-One Saturday in either Ritual Winter or Elemental Spring Workshop
-1:1 writing consultation with Reed Bye
-Custom essential oil blend (perfume,spray, or tincture)
-Life Skills coaching session for stressed writers
& more!