Micro Book Review of My Struggle by Karl Ove Knausgaard
My Struggle Karl Ove Knausgaard Translated by Don Bartlett Originally Published by Forgalet Oktober (2009) English Translation published by Archipelago Books (2012) $14.40
As many readers have stated, Knausgaard may be the progressive Proust of our century. He weaves an intricate web of day-to-day life without batting an eyelid. From divorce and the hatred of his own children, My Struggle achieves the honesty of the human heart, the absolutism of a daily rhythm that is locked within the bodies of any modern citizen of the world. While Knausgaard’s life story may seem petty and exceedingly redundant, it provides a wide scope of relativism and subtle criticism of the travails of the first-world human condition. It is difficult to place this book on the coffee table, it will make your thoughts tick and your mind hungry for more.