Transfer Credits for Core Curriculum

At Naropa University, we make an effort to transfer in as many credits as possible. We recognize the cost and time that transfer students have expended in their studies prior to coming to Naropa, and wish to make your transition seamless. Below is a list of each core curriculum area of study, along with sample classes that can typically count towards transfer credit.

Writing Seminar I (3 Credits)

This is an expository/writing-intensive course. Transferable courses typically include:

  • Writing 1 or 101
  • Composition 1 or 101
  • English 101
  • Expository writing
  • Creative writing if listed as nonfiction
  • AP score of 3 or better and IB or CLEP equivalent
  • First Year Seminar that is writing intensive

This course includes development of research skills. Transferable courses typically include:

  • Writing 2 or 102
  • Composition 2 or 102
  • English 102
  • Advanced Composition
  • Research Writing

Unacceptable transfer courses for Writing I and/or II include:

  • English beyond 102
  • Creative writing in poetry or fiction
  • Literature or literature dept courses
  • Business writing
  • Speech
  • Communication
  • Journalism
  • Screenwriting

Introduces the tradition of contemplative education as it has been developed at Naropa University, with an emphasis on its vision, purpose and application to the academic, artistic, and psychological disciplines taught in the various majors. Transfer credit is not accepted for this area of our core curriculum.

Aims to explore the range of diverse human experience and to build respect and understanding for profound differences. The classes should examine issues of power and difference.

Transferable courses typically include:

  • Broad classes such as “Gender, Race, and Class.”
  • Courses must be studying multiple diversity/identity categories as they exist in the United States.
  • The classes should examine issues of power and difference.
  • GLBT Studies with a component of interlocking oppression.

Non-acceptable transfer courses include:

  • Topics classes focusing on only one identity or issue
  • Diversity classes studying systems in foreign countries
  • General sociology (i.e. Intro to Sociology)
  • Cultural anthropology
  • Government

The Core Sustainability Seminar invites students to apply their vision and creativity toward a flourishing future and away from crisis. This course introduces students to principles, perspectives, and practices of regenerative community, resilience and sustainability, and analyzes current environmental, economic, and social trends. With the aim of developing skills and lasting commitment to create vibrant and equitable systems, the course draws upon sustainability studies, contemplative education, ecological thinking, citizen engagement, and other innovative approaches.

Acceptable transfer courses:

  • Courses must involve both theory and practice in the area of sustainable systems
  • Service learning and collective impact in the area of social, economic, ecological and personal sustainability
  • Courses focusing on UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Courses involving an aspect of sustainability praxis, 40 hours or more.
  • Courses involving participating, reviewing, and suggesting change in community resilience or community sustainability

Non-acceptable transfer courses:

  • Ecology
  • Biology
  • Political Science
  • Government
  • AP/CLEP/IB exams
  • Engineering systems

Courses in the performing arts, visual arts, and creative writing bring awareness and understanding to the process and cultural contexts of artistic expression. Students experience the discipline, delight, and rigor of creativity, and are introduced to the social and political dimensions of art and art making. See also Naropa University courses that fulfill this requirement.

Transferable courses typically include:

  • Visual art
  • Performance (e.g. dance, theatre, voice)
  • Music
  • Poetry
  • Creative writing

Non-acceptable transfer courses include:

  • Private music lessons
  • Musicianship/ear training, theory or appreciation

By training in practices that encourage us to track sensation, learn traditional movement skills, and develop an authentic knowledge of our body, we develop kindness toward our experience and empathy for others as our innate ‘knowing’ becomes creative and effective. Transfer credit is not accepted for this area of our core curriculum.

Courses emphasize the development of knowledge, critical thinking, analytic skills, and interpersonal and inter-group interactions necessary for living and working in societies characterized by racial, political, economic, social, religious, gender, and sexual diversities.

Transferable courses typically include:

  • Peace studies
  • Diversity topics (e.g. women’s, gender, race, class, etc., studies)
  • Culture studies or area studies, especially within a study abroad program
  • History courses focusing on a specific period of history
  • History courses focusing on a specific discipline (e.g. History of Jazz, World Art I, Nonviolence in and Through History)
  • History with focus on social context and/or identity (queer theory, feminism and religion)
  • Political studies related to civil rights and/or identity
  • Government studies related to civil rights and/or identity
  • Humanities courses related to diversity and/or identity (e.g. Latin American Literature)

Unacceptable transfer courses include:

  • Sociology, government
  • Foreign language

Courses are intended to deepen students’ familiarity with the empirical, observational and mathematical modes of inquiry. The lens of scientific investigation emphasizes precision, understanding complex systems and the importance of evaluating evidence.

Transferable courses typically include:

  • Physical anthropology
  • Astronomy
  • Math
  • Science
  • Geology
  • Environmental science
  • Horticulture
  • Political science
  • Nutrition
  • Engineering
  • Research-based classes such as experimental psychology, sociology, logic
  • Geography
  • Anatomy/physiology
  • Astronomy
  • Archaeology
  • Economics

Unacceptable transfer courses:

  • Holistic/general health
  • Comparative religions
  • Business
  • Government
  • Musicianship or ear training
  • Human culture in relation to the earth
  • Chinese energetics
  • Architecture
  • Computer science
  • Astrology

Students inquire into the wisdom that resides in the traditions of many different human communities. They investigate the relationship between their own experience and ancient teachings, exploring the relevance of those teachings to contemporary life.

Transferable courses typically include:

  • Survey of world religion
  • Religion
  • Religious studies department courses
  • Indigenous culture courses concerning spirituality
  • Cultural anthropology course that includes religion or spirituality study
  • Courses derived from an established traditional approach to spirituality (e.g. Anthropological Approaches to New Age Spirituality)
  • Philosophy courses which concern a specific religious/cultural tradition (e.g. Confucianism in Chinese culture)

Non-acceptable transfer courses include:

  • Ethics
  • General philosophy courses
  • New-age theories
  • Non-traditional spiritual modalities (e.g. astrology, Reiki, psychic studies)


Colorado Transfer Courses Recently Accepted into Naropa University’s Core Curriculum

Below is a list of coursework from local Colorado universities and colleges that have been accepted into Naropa’s core curriculum requirements. Please note that all core curriculum requirements can be met through work completed outside of Naropa, with the exception of the Contemplative Learning Seminar and Body-Mind Practice requirements.

For more information on Naropa’s degree requirements and core curriculum, please see Naropa’s online course catalog. And please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Admissions with questions – or for a free unofficial transfer credit evaluation!

Writing Seminar I & II

Writing Seminar I
Arapahoe Community CollegeENG121Comp I
Colorado Mountain College–Glenwood SpringsENG121English Composition
Colorado Mountain College–LeadvilleENG121English Composition
Colorado State University–Fort CollinCO102Introduction to Writing
Colorado State University–Fort CollinsCO150College Composition
Colorado TechENGL111English Composition I
Community College of DenverENG100Composition Style & Tech
Community College of DenverENG121English Composition I
Front Range Community CollegeENG111English Comp; Essay Writing
Front Range Community CollegeENG121English Composition I
Metropolitan State CollegeENG101Freshman Comp: The Essay
Metropolitan State CollegeENG1010Freshman Composition–The Essay
Pikes Peak Community CollegeENG121English Composition I
Pueblo Community CollegeENG121English Comp I
Red Rocks Community CollegeENG121English Composition I
Regis UniversityCCS200AFreshman Seminar I
Rocky Mountain College of Art & DesignWO1020Written & Oral Communication
University of Colorado–BoulderELA100Freshman English
University of Colorado–BoulderENGL131Rhetoric & Writing I
University of Colorado–BoulderHUMN1020Intro to Humanities 2
University of Colorado–BoulderWRTG1100Extended First Year Writing
University of Colorado–BoulderWRTG1150First year Writing
University of Colorado–BoulderWRTG1250Advanced First Year Writing
University of Colorado–Colorado SpringsENG131COMP I
University of Colorado–DenverENGL1020Composition I
University of DenverFSEM1111First Year Seminar
Writing Seminar II
Arapahoe Community CollegeENG122Comp II
Colorado Mountain College–Glenwood SpringsENG122English Composition II
Colorado State UniversityCOCC150College Composition
Community College of DenverENG121English Composition
Front Range Community CollegeENG112ENGLISH COMPOSITION II: CO2
Front Range Community CollegeENG122English Composition II
Metropolitan State CollegeENG1020Freshman Comp-Res. Anly & Documt
Metropolitan State CollegeENG120Freshman Comp–Re, Anyl–Doc
Pikes Peak Community CollegeENG122English Composition II
Red Rocks Community CollegeENG122English Composition II
Regis UniversityCCS220BFreshman Seminar II
University of Colorado–BoulderELA101Freshman English
University of Colorado–BoulderHONR4055Discours Analy/Cult Crit
University of Colorado–BoulderHUMN1020Introduction to Humanities 2
University of Colorado–BoulderWRTG1250Advanced First-Year Writing
University of Colorado–DenverENGL2030Composition II
Metropolitan State CollegeCHS1020History of Chicana/o in SW 1910–pres.
University of Colorado–BoulderANTH1170Culture, Gender, Film
University of Colorado–BoulderEDUC3013School & Society
University of Colorado–BoulderETHN3000Race, Class & Gender
University of Colorado–BoulderSOCY1006Social Constr./Sexuality
University of Colorado–BoulderWMST2600Gender, Race & Class
University of Colorado–DenverANTH3345Cultural Diversity in the Modern World
Arapahoe Community CollegeART255Color Photography
Arapahoe Community CollegeMUS111Sight Singing I
Arapahoe Community CollegeMUS112Sight Singing II
Colorado CollegeART101Basic Studio
Colorado CollegeDRAMA105Acting I
Colorado Mountain College–Glenwood SpringsART211Painting I
Colorado Mountain College–Glenwood SpringsMUS152Ensemble II
Colorado Northwestern Community CollegeENG221Creative Writing
Colorado State University–Fort CollinsAR135Introduction to Drawing
Community College of DenverART111Basic Drawing
Community College of DenverDAN130Dance Sampler
Community College of DenverMUS141Private Instruction: Voice
Community College of DenverPHO101Fundamentals of B&W Photography
Fort Lewis CollegeMU120Fundamentals of Music
Fort Lewis CollegeTHEA100Dramatic Theater
Front Range Community CollegeART121Drawing I
Front Range Community CollegeART211Painting I
Front Range Community CollegeDRA115Theater Production
Pikes Peak Community CollegeENG221Creative Writing I
Red Rocks Community CollegeART121Drawing I
Red Rocks Community CollegeART211Painting I
Red Rocks Community CollegeENG227Poetry Writing
Red Rocks Community CollegeTHE111Acting I
Rocky Mountain College of Art & DesignFD1115Visual Design I
Rocky Mountain College of Art & DesignFD1235Observational Drawing
Rocky Mountain College of Art & DesignFD1360Structural Drawing
University of Colorado–BoulderEMUS1327Symphony Orchestra
University of Colorado–BoulderEMUS1507Chamber Music
University of Colorado–BoulderENGL1191Intro Creative Writing
University of Colorado–BoulderENGL3051Intermediate Fiction Workshop
University of Colorado–BoulderMUEL1155Intermediate Guitar
University of Colorado–BoulderMUEL1416Intro to Hand Percussion
University of Colorado–BoulderPMUS1766Voice
University of Colorado–BoulderPMUS1786Folk Guitar
University of Colorado–BoulderTHTR1003Beginning Acting
University of DenverARTS2055Color
University of Northern ColoradoDNCE295Beginning Dance Theory
University of Northern ColoradoDNCE356Dance Performance III
Colorado Christian University HIS202 World Civilization II
Colorado College HS120 Renaissance Culture: History & Lit.
Colorado Mountain College–Glenwood Springs ANT101 Cultural Anthropology
Colorado State University–Fort Collins HIST170 World History, Ancient–1500
Community College Of Denver ANT101 Cultural Anthropology
Fort Lewis College HIST334 United States & Vietnam
Fort Lewis College MU102 Introduction to Music
Fort Lewis College PHIL320 Indigenous Worldviews
Fort Lewis College WS101 Introduction to Women’s Studies
Front Range Community College ANT101 Cultural Anthropology
Front Range Community College ANT105 American Deaf Cultures
Front Range Community College ART111 Art History I
Front Range Community College HIS102 Western Civilization II
Front Range Community College HIS202 United States History II
Front Range Community College HIS215 Women in U.S. History
Front Range Community College IPP147 Survey of Deaf Culture
Front Range Community College LIT205 Ethnic Literature
Front Range Community College PSY217 Human Sexuality
Metropolitan State College ANT1310 Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Metropolitan State College HIS3090 Native American in American History
Metropolitan State College SOC365D Women and Aging
Pikes Peak Community College ANT215  Indians of North America
Pikes Peak Community College HIS101 Western Civilization I
Red Rocks Community College ANT101 Cultural Anthropology:SS3
Red Rocks Community College MUS120 Music Appreciation
Regis University PV400 Foundations of Peace & Justice
Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design GE223 Cultural Geography
University of Colorado–Boulder ANTH1100 Explore Nonwestern Culture/Tamil
University of Colorado–Boulder ARTH3419 Modern Art Survey
University of Colorado–Boulder ENGL3377 Topics: Multicultural Literature
University of Colorado–Boulder FILM3013 Women & Film
University of Colorado–Boulder HIST1010 W Civilization I–Antiquity to 16C
University of Colorado–Boulder HIST1035 Honors–US 10 1865
University of Colorado–Boulder LIBB1600 Gender & Film
University of Colorado–Boulder SOCY1004 Deviance in U.S. Society
University of Colorado–Boulder SOCY1016 Sex, Gender & Society
University of Colorado–Boulder WMST2000 Introduction to Feminist Studies
University of Colorado–Boulder WMST2020 Soc Const/Feminine/Masculine
University of Colorado–Boulder WMST2200 Women Literature and Arts
University of Colorado–Boulder WMST4636 Lesbian & Gay History
University of Colorado–Denver ANTH3142 Immigration/Ethnicity Amer. History
University of Denver AHUM1516 Foundations in Music
Arapahoe Community CollegePSY101General Psychology I
Colorado Christian UniversityPSY101General Psychology
Colorado CollegeCHEM106General Chemistry
Colorado CollegeMATH126Calculus I
Colorado Mountain College–Glenwood SpringsBIO227Ecology
Colorado Mountain College–Glenwood SpringsGEO105World Regional Geography
Colorado Mountain College–LeadvilleBIO227Ecology
Colorado Northwestern Community CollegePSY101General Psychology I
Colorado TechBIO141Human Anatomy & Physiology
Colorado TechMATH143Business Algebra
Community College of AuroraPSY101General Psychology I
Community College of DenverMAT101Applied Math I
Community College of DenverMAT106Survey of Algebra
Community College Of DenverPSY101General Psychology
Fort Lewis CollegePHSC206Introduction to Astronomy
Fort Lewis CollegePSYC157Introduction to Psychology
Fort Lewis CollegeTRS82Introduction to Algebra
Front Range Community CollegeGEO105World Regional Geography
Front Range Community CollegeMAT106Survey of Algebra
Front Range Community CollegeMAT111Introductory Algebra
Front Range Community CollegeMAT114General Math for College
Front Range Community CollegeMAT121College Algebra
Front Range Community CollegePSY101General Psychology I
Front Range Community CollegePSY102General Psychology II
Metropolitan State CollegeBIO1000Human Biology for Non-Majors
Metropolitan State CollegeENV1200Intro to Environmental Science
Metropolitan State CollegeGEG100World Regional Geography
Metropolitan State CollegePSY1001Introductory Psychology
Metropolitan State CollegePSY101Introductory Psychology
Pikes Peak Community CollegePSY101General Psych
Pueblo Community CollegeMAT121College Algebra
Red Rocks Community CollegeAST101Astronomy I
Red Rocks Community CollegeGEY111Physical Geology
Red Rocks Community CollegeMAT106Survey Algebra
Red Rocks Community CollegePSY101General Psychology
Regis UniversitySO200Intro to Sociology
Rocky Mountain College of Art & DesignMA1210Math of Art + Design
University of Colorado–BoulderASTR1010Intro to Astronomy
University of Colorado–BoulderCHEM1021Intro to Chemistry
University of Colorado–BoulderCHEN1111General Chemistry I
University of Colorado–BoulderEBIO1030Biology–Human Approach
University of Colorado–BoulderEBIO1210General Biology 1
University of Colorado–BoulderECON2010Principles of Microeconomics
University of Colorado–BoulderEPOB1010Biology–A Human Approach
University of Colorado–BoulderGEO100Environmental Sys-Climate-Vege 2/2010
University of Colorado–BoulderGEOG1001Environmental Systems I
University of Colorado–BoulderGEOL1010Introduction to Geology
University of Colorado–BoulderMATH1012Quant Reason/Math Skills
University of Colorado–BoulderPES100Physics in Everyday Life
University of Colorado–BoulderPSYC1001General Psychology
University of Colorado–DenverECON2012Principles of Economics
University of Colorado–DenverPSY1000Introduction to Psychology
Colorado Christian University BIB230 Interpret the Bible
Colorado Mountain College–Steamboat Springs PHI214 Philosophy of Religion
Community College of Denver PHI115 World Religions–West
Fort Lewis College PHIL321 World Religions
Front Range Community College HUM115 World Mythology
Front Range Community College PHI116 World Religion East
Front Range Community College PHI203 Introduction to Buddhism
Front Range Community College PHI214 Philosophy of Religion
Pikes Peak Community College PHI114 O Comparative Religions
Pueblo Community College PHI115 Comparative Religions
Red Rocks Community College PHI116 World Religions–East
Regis University RS200 Introduction to Religious Studies
Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design SBS3030 World Belief Systems
University of Colorado–Boulder PHIL105 Philosophy & Religion
University of Colorado–Boulder RLST1620 Religious Dimen/Human Experience
University of Colorado–Boulder RLST2600 Judaism/Christianity/Islam
University of Colorado–Boulder RLST2610 Religions of South Asia
University of Colorado–Boulder RLST2620 Religions of East Asia
University of Colorado–Boulder RLST2700 American Indian Religious Traditions


This is where experiential learning meets academic rigor. Where you challenge your intellect and uncover your potential. Where you discover the work you’re moved to do—then use it to transform our world.

“*” indicates required fields

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Contemplative education brings together the best of Western scholarship and Eastern world wisdom traditions. Therefore, your pursuit of wisdom at Naropa means learning both about academic subjects and about your own place in the world. This innovative approach places Naropa on the cutting edge of the newest and most effective methods of teaching and learning.  

Admissions & Aid

If you’re seeking an education that resonates with both personal fulfillment and global impact, Naropa could be your top choice. At Naropa, you will experience a comprehensive curriculum that integrates the best of Eastern and Western educational approaches. Explore how Naropa can fuel your journey of intellectual and spiritual development.

Life at Naropa

Through its incredibly vibrant and welcoming community,  “Naropa offers a home for those who aren’t willing to conform to convention—the mystic, the healer, the prophet, the rebel, the artist, the revolutionary, the oddball—those who are incredible contributors to the evolution of society and of our planet.”—Core Associate Professor Zvi Ish-Shalom

The Naropa Difference

How is Naropa different from other universities? At Naropa, a liberal arts education balances rigorous academics with powerful interpersonal skills and self-awareness to educate the whole person. Naropa’s contemplative approach is inspired by Buddhist philosophy and the conviction that we can build a diverse, contemplative, enlightened society when we have transformed education to affirm the basic goodness of every person. 

About Naropa

Located in Boulder, Colorado, Naropa University is a Buddhist-inspired, nonsectarian liberal arts university that is recognized as the birthplace of the mindfulness movement. Naropa offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs that emphasize professional and personal growth, intellectual development, and cultivating compassion. 

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Naropa Campuses Closed on Friday, March 15, 2024

Due to adverse weather conditions, all Naropa campuses will be closed Friday, March 15, 2024.  All classes that require a physical presence on campus will be canceled. All online and low-residency programs are to meet as scheduled.

Based on the current weather forecast, the Healing with the Ancestors Talk & Breeze of Simplicity program scheduled for Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday will be held as planned.

Staff that do not work remotely or are scheduled to work on campus, can work remotely. Staff that routinely work remotely are expected to continue to do so.

As a reminder, notifications will be sent by e-mail and the LiveSafe app.  

Regardless of Naropa University’s decision, if you ever believe the weather conditions are unsafe, please contact your supervisor and professors.  Naropa University trusts you to make thoughtful and wise decisions based on the conditions and situation in which you find yourself in.