Transfer Credits for Core Curriculum
Program Information
At Naropa University, we make an effort to transfer in as many credits as possible. We recognize the cost and time that transfer students have expended in their studies prior to coming to Naropa, and wish to make your transition seamless. Below is a list of each core curriculum area of study, along with sample classes that can typically count towards transfer credit.
Writing Seminar I (3 Credits)
This is an expository/writing-intensive course. Transferable courses typically include:
- Writing 1 or 101
- Composition 1 or 101
- English 101
- Expository writing
- Creative writing if listed as nonfiction
- AP score of 3 or better and IB or CLEP equivalent
- First Year Seminar that is writing intensive
Writing Seminar II (3 Credits)
This course includes development of research skills. Transferable courses typically include:
- Writing 2 or 102
- Composition 2 or 102
- English 102
- Advanced Composition
- Research Writing
Unacceptable transfer courses for Writing I and/or II include:
- English beyond 102
- Creative writing in poetry or fiction
- Literature or literature dept courses
- Business writing
- Speech
- Communication
- Journalism
- Screenwriting
Contemplative Learning Seminar (3 Credits)
Introduces the tradition of contemplative education as it has been developed at Naropa University, with an emphasis on its vision, purpose and application to the academic, artistic, and psychological disciplines taught in the various majors. Transfer credit is not accepted for this area of our core curriculum.
Diversity Seminar (3 Credits)
Aims to explore the range of diverse human experience and to build respect and understanding for profound differences. The classes should examine issues of power and difference.
Transferable courses typically include:
- Broad classes such as “Gender, Race, and Class.”
- Courses must be studying multiple diversity/identity categories as they exist in the United States.
- The classes should examine issues of power and difference.
- GLBT Studies with a component of interlocking oppression.
Non-acceptable transfer courses include:
- Topics classes focusing on only one identity or issue
- Diversity classes studying systems in foreign countries
- General sociology (i.e. Intro to Sociology)
- Cultural anthropology
- Government
Sustainability Seminar (3 Credits)
The Core Sustainability Seminar invites students to apply their vision and creativity toward a flourishing future and away from crisis. This course introduces students to principles, perspectives, and practices of regenerative community, resilience and sustainability, and analyzes current environmental, economic, and social trends. With the aim of developing skills and lasting commitment to create vibrant and equitable systems, the course draws upon sustainability studies, contemplative education, ecological thinking, citizen engagement, and other innovative approaches.
Acceptable transfer courses:
- Courses must involve both theory and practice in the area of sustainable systems
- Service learning and collective impact in the area of social, economic, ecological and personal sustainability
- Courses focusing on UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Courses involving an aspect of sustainability praxis, 40 hours or more.
- Courses involving participating, reviewing, and suggesting change in community resilience or community sustainability
Non-acceptable transfer courses:
- Ecology
- Biology
- Political Science
- Government
- AP/CLEP/IB exams
- Engineering systems
Artistic Process (3 Credits)
Courses in the performing arts, visual arts, and creative writing bring awareness and understanding to the process and cultural contexts of artistic expression. Students experience the discipline, delight, and rigor of creativity, and are introduced to the social and political dimensions of art and art making. See also Naropa University courses that fulfill this requirement.
Transferable courses typically include:
- Visual art
- Performance (e.g. dance, theatre, voice)
- Music
- Poetry
- Creative writing
Non-acceptable transfer courses include:
- Private music lessons
- Musicianship/ear training, theory or appreciation
Body-Mind Practice (3 Credits)
By training in practices that encourage us to track sensation, learn traditional movement skills, and develop an authentic knowledge of our body, we develop kindness toward our experience and empathy for others as our innate ‘knowing’ becomes creative and effective. Transfer credit is not accepted for this area of our core curriculum.
Cultural and Historical Studies (3 Credits)
Courses emphasize the development of knowledge, critical thinking, analytic skills, and interpersonal and inter-group interactions necessary for living and working in societies characterized by racial, political, economic, social, religious, gender, and sexual diversities.
Transferable courses typically include:
- Peace studies
- Diversity topics (e.g. women’s, gender, race, class, etc., studies)
- Culture studies or area studies, especially within a study abroad program
- History courses focusing on a specific period of history
- History courses focusing on a specific discipline (e.g. History of Jazz, World Art I, Nonviolence in and Through History)
- History with focus on social context and/or identity (queer theory, feminism and religion)
- Political studies related to civil rights and/or identity
- Government studies related to civil rights and/or identity
- Humanities courses related to diversity and/or identity (e.g. Latin American Literature)
Unacceptable transfer courses include:
- Sociology, government
- Foreign language
Science and Sustainability (3 Credits)
Courses are intended to deepen students’ familiarity with the empirical, observational and mathematical modes of inquiry. The lens of scientific investigation emphasizes precision, understanding complex systems and the importance of evaluating evidence.
Transferable courses typically include:
- Physical anthropology
- Astronomy
- Math
- Science
- Geology
- Environmental science
- Horticulture
- Political science
- Nutrition
- Engineering
- Research-based classes such as experimental psychology, sociology, logic
- Geography
- Anatomy/physiology
- Astronomy
- Archaeology
- Economics
Unacceptable transfer courses:
- Holistic/general health
- Comparative religions
- Business
- Government
- Musicianship or ear training
- Human culture in relation to the earth
- Chinese energetics
- Architecture
- Computer science
- Astrology
World Wisdom Traditions (3 Credits)
Students inquire into the wisdom that resides in the traditions of many different human communities. They investigate the relationship between their own experience and ancient teachings, exploring the relevance of those teachings to contemporary life.
Transferable courses typically include:
- Survey of world religion
- Religion
- Religious studies department courses
- Indigenous culture courses concerning spirituality
- Cultural anthropology course that includes religion or spirituality study
- Courses derived from an established traditional approach to spirituality (e.g. Anthropological Approaches to New Age Spirituality)
- Philosophy courses which concern a specific religious/cultural tradition (e.g. Confucianism in Chinese culture)
Non-acceptable transfer courses include:
- Ethics
- General philosophy courses
- New-age theories
- Non-traditional spiritual modalities (e.g. astrology, Reiki, psychic studies)
Colorado Transfer Courses Recently Accepted into Naropa University’s Core Curriculum
Below is a list of coursework from local Colorado universities and colleges that have been accepted into Naropa’s core curriculum requirements. Please note that all core curriculum requirements can be met through work completed outside of Naropa, with the exception of the Contemplative Learning Seminar and Body-Mind Practice requirements.
For more information on Naropa’s degree requirements and core curriculum, please see Naropa’s online course catalog. And please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Admissions with questions – or for a free unofficial transfer credit evaluation!
Writing Seminar I & II
Writing Seminar I | ||
Arapahoe Community College | ENG121 | Comp I |
Colorado Mountain College–Glenwood Springs | ENG121 | English Composition |
Colorado Mountain College–Leadville | ENG121 | English Composition |
Colorado State University–Fort Collin | CO102 | Introduction to Writing |
Colorado State University–Fort Collins | CO150 | College Composition |
Colorado Tech | ENGL111 | English Composition I |
Community College of Denver | ENG100 | Composition Style & Tech |
Community College of Denver | ENG121 | English Composition I |
Front Range Community College | ENG111 | English Comp; Essay Writing |
Front Range Community College | ENG121 | English Composition I |
Metropolitan State College | ENG101 | Freshman Comp: The Essay |
Metropolitan State College | ENG1010 | Freshman Composition–The Essay |
Pikes Peak Community College | ENG121 | English Composition I |
Pueblo Community College | ENG121 | English Comp I |
Red Rocks Community College | ENG121 | English Composition I |
Regis University | CCS200A | Freshman Seminar I |
Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design | WO1020 | Written & Oral Communication |
University of Colorado–Boulder | ELA100 | Freshman English |
University of Colorado–Boulder | ENGL131 | Rhetoric & Writing I |
University of Colorado–Boulder | HUMN1020 | Intro to Humanities 2 |
University of Colorado–Boulder | WRTG1100 | Extended First Year Writing |
University of Colorado–Boulder | WRTG1150 | First year Writing |
University of Colorado–Boulder | WRTG1250 | Advanced First Year Writing |
University of Colorado–Colorado Springs | ENG131 | COMP I |
University of Colorado–Denver | ENGL1020 | Composition I |
University of Denver | FSEM1111 | First Year Seminar |
Writing Seminar II | ||
Arapahoe Community College | ENG122 | Comp II |
Colorado Mountain College–Glenwood Springs | ENG122 | English Composition II |
Colorado State University | COCC150 | College Composition |
Community College of Denver | ENG121 | English Composition |
Front Range Community College | ENG112 | ENGLISH COMPOSITION II: CO2 |
Front Range Community College | ENG122 | English Composition II |
Metropolitan State College | ENG1020 | Freshman Comp-Res. Anly & Documt |
Metropolitan State College | ENG120 | Freshman Comp–Re, Anyl–Doc |
Pikes Peak Community College | ENG122 | English Composition II |
Red Rocks Community College | ENG122 | English Composition II |
Regis University | CCS220B | Freshman Seminar II |
University of Colorado–Boulder | ELA101 | Freshman English |
University of Colorado–Boulder | HONR4055 | Discours Analy/Cult Crit |
University of Colorado–Boulder | HUMN1020 | Introduction to Humanities 2 |
University of Colorado–Boulder | WRTG1250 | Advanced First-Year Writing |
University of Colorado–Denver | ENGL2030 | Composition II |
Diversity Seminar
Metropolitan State College | CHS1020 | History of Chicana/o in SW 1910–pres. |
University of Colorado–Boulder | ANTH1170 | Culture, Gender, Film |
University of Colorado–Boulder | EDUC3013 | School & Society |
University of Colorado–Boulder | ETHN3000 | Race, Class & Gender |
University of Colorado–Boulder | SOCY1006 | Social Constr./Sexuality |
University of Colorado–Boulder | WMST2600 | Gender, Race & Class |
University of Colorado–Denver | ANTH3345 | Cultural Diversity in the Modern World |
Artistic Process
Arapahoe Community College | ART255 | Color Photography |
Arapahoe Community College | MUS111 | Sight Singing I |
Arapahoe Community College | MUS112 | Sight Singing II |
Colorado College | ART101 | Basic Studio |
Colorado College | DRAMA105 | Acting I |
Colorado Mountain College–Glenwood Springs | ART211 | Painting I |
Colorado Mountain College–Glenwood Springs | MUS152 | Ensemble II |
Colorado Northwestern Community College | ENG221 | Creative Writing |
Colorado State University–Fort Collins | AR135 | Introduction to Drawing |
Community College of Denver | ART111 | Basic Drawing |
Community College of Denver | DAN130 | Dance Sampler |
Community College of Denver | MUS141 | Private Instruction: Voice |
Community College of Denver | PHO101 | Fundamentals of B&W Photography |
Fort Lewis College | MU120 | Fundamentals of Music |
Fort Lewis College | THEA100 | Dramatic Theater |
Front Range Community College | ART121 | Drawing I |
Front Range Community College | ART211 | Painting I |
Front Range Community College | DRA115 | Theater Production |
Pikes Peak Community College | ENG221 | Creative Writing I |
Red Rocks Community College | ART121 | Drawing I |
Red Rocks Community College | ART211 | Painting I |
Red Rocks Community College | ENG227 | Poetry Writing |
Red Rocks Community College | THE111 | Acting I |
Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design | FD1115 | Visual Design I |
Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design | FD1235 | Observational Drawing |
Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design | FD1360 | Structural Drawing |
University of Colorado–Boulder | EMUS1327 | Symphony Orchestra |
University of Colorado–Boulder | EMUS1507 | Chamber Music |
University of Colorado–Boulder | ENGL1191 | Intro Creative Writing |
University of Colorado–Boulder | ENGL3051 | Intermediate Fiction Workshop |
University of Colorado–Boulder | MUEL1155 | Intermediate Guitar |
University of Colorado–Boulder | MUEL1416 | Intro to Hand Percussion |
University of Colorado–Boulder | PMUS1766 | Voice |
University of Colorado–Boulder | PMUS1786 | Folk Guitar |
University of Colorado–Boulder | THTR1003 | Beginning Acting |
University of Denver | ARTS2055 | Color |
University of Northern Colorado | DNCE295 | Beginning Dance Theory |
University of Northern Colorado | DNCE356 | Dance Performance III |
Cultural and Historical Studies
Colorado Christian University | HIS202 | World Civilization II |
Colorado College | HS120 | Renaissance Culture: History & Lit. |
Colorado Mountain College–Glenwood Springs | ANT101 | Cultural Anthropology |
Colorado State University–Fort Collins | HIST170 | World History, Ancient–1500 |
Community College Of Denver | ANT101 | Cultural Anthropology |
Fort Lewis College | HIST334 | United States & Vietnam |
Fort Lewis College | MU102 | Introduction to Music |
Fort Lewis College | PHIL320 | Indigenous Worldviews |
Fort Lewis College | WS101 | Introduction to Women’s Studies |
Front Range Community College | ANT101 | Cultural Anthropology |
Front Range Community College | ANT105 | American Deaf Cultures |
Front Range Community College | ART111 | Art History I |
Front Range Community College | HIS102 | Western Civilization II |
Front Range Community College | HIS202 | United States History II |
Front Range Community College | HIS215 | Women in U.S. History |
Front Range Community College | IPP147 | Survey of Deaf Culture |
Front Range Community College | LIT205 | Ethnic Literature |
Front Range Community College | PSY217 | Human Sexuality |
Metropolitan State College | ANT1310 | Intro to Cultural Anthropology |
Metropolitan State College | HIS3090 | Native American in American History |
Metropolitan State College | SOC365D | Women and Aging |
Pikes Peak Community College | ANT215 | Indians of North America |
Pikes Peak Community College | HIS101 | Western Civilization I |
Red Rocks Community College | ANT101 | Cultural Anthropology:SS3 |
Red Rocks Community College | MUS120 | Music Appreciation |
Regis University | PV400 | Foundations of Peace & Justice |
Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design | GE223 | Cultural Geography |
University of Colorado–Boulder | ANTH1100 | Explore Nonwestern Culture/Tamil |
University of Colorado–Boulder | ARTH3419 | Modern Art Survey |
University of Colorado–Boulder | ENGL3377 | Topics: Multicultural Literature |
University of Colorado–Boulder | FILM3013 | Women & Film |
University of Colorado–Boulder | HIST1010 | W Civilization I–Antiquity to 16C |
University of Colorado–Boulder | HIST1035 | Honors–US 10 1865 |
University of Colorado–Boulder | LIBB1600 | Gender & Film |
University of Colorado–Boulder | SOCY1004 | Deviance in U.S. Society |
University of Colorado–Boulder | SOCY1016 | Sex, Gender & Society |
University of Colorado–Boulder | WMST2000 | Introduction to Feminist Studies |
University of Colorado–Boulder | WMST2020 | Soc Const/Feminine/Masculine |
University of Colorado–Boulder | WMST2200 | Women Literature and Arts |
University of Colorado–Boulder | WMST4636 | Lesbian & Gay History |
University of Colorado–Denver | ANTH3142 | Immigration/Ethnicity Amer. History |
University of Denver | AHUM1516 | Foundations in Music |
Scientific Inquiry
Arapahoe Community College | PSY101 | General Psychology I |
Colorado Christian University | PSY101 | General Psychology |
Colorado College | CHEM106 | General Chemistry |
Colorado College | MATH126 | Calculus I |
Colorado Mountain College–Glenwood Springs | BIO227 | Ecology |
Colorado Mountain College–Glenwood Springs | GEO105 | World Regional Geography |
Colorado Mountain College–Leadville | BIO227 | Ecology |
Colorado Northwestern Community College | PSY101 | General Psychology I |
Colorado Tech | BIO141 | Human Anatomy & Physiology |
Colorado Tech | MATH143 | Business Algebra |
Community College of Aurora | PSY101 | General Psychology I |
Community College of Denver | MAT101 | Applied Math I |
Community College of Denver | MAT106 | Survey of Algebra |
Community College Of Denver | PSY101 | General Psychology |
Fort Lewis College | PHSC206 | Introduction to Astronomy |
Fort Lewis College | PSYC157 | Introduction to Psychology |
Fort Lewis College | TRS82 | Introduction to Algebra |
Front Range Community College | GEO105 | World Regional Geography |
Front Range Community College | MAT106 | Survey of Algebra |
Front Range Community College | MAT111 | Introductory Algebra |
Front Range Community College | MAT114 | General Math for College |
Front Range Community College | MAT121 | College Algebra |
Front Range Community College | PSY101 | General Psychology I |
Front Range Community College | PSY102 | General Psychology II |
Metropolitan State College | BIO1000 | Human Biology for Non-Majors |
Metropolitan State College | ENV1200 | Intro to Environmental Science |
Metropolitan State College | GEG100 | World Regional Geography |
Metropolitan State College | PSY1001 | Introductory Psychology |
Metropolitan State College | PSY101 | Introductory Psychology |
Pikes Peak Community College | PSY101 | General Psych |
Pueblo Community College | MAT121 | College Algebra |
Red Rocks Community College | AST101 | Astronomy I |
Red Rocks Community College | GEY111 | Physical Geology |
Red Rocks Community College | MAT106 | Survey Algebra |
Red Rocks Community College | PSY101 | General Psychology |
Regis University | SO200 | Intro to Sociology |
Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design | MA1210 | Math of Art + Design |
University of Colorado–Boulder | ASTR1010 | Intro to Astronomy |
University of Colorado–Boulder | CHEM1021 | Intro to Chemistry |
University of Colorado–Boulder | CHEN1111 | General Chemistry I |
University of Colorado–Boulder | EBIO1030 | Biology–Human Approach |
University of Colorado–Boulder | EBIO1210 | General Biology 1 |
University of Colorado–Boulder | ECON2010 | Principles of Microeconomics |
University of Colorado–Boulder | EPOB1010 | Biology–A Human Approach |
University of Colorado–Boulder | GEO100 | Environmental Sys-Climate-Vege 2/2010 |
University of Colorado–Boulder | GEOG1001 | Environmental Systems I |
University of Colorado–Boulder | GEOL1010 | Introduction to Geology |
University of Colorado–Boulder | MATH1012 | Quant Reason/Math Skills |
University of Colorado–Boulder | PES100 | Physics in Everyday Life |
University of Colorado–Boulder | PSYC1001 | General Psychology |
University of Colorado–Denver | ECON2012 | Principles of Economics |
University of Colorado–Denver | PSY1000 | Introduction to Psychology |
World Wisdom Traditions
Colorado Christian University | BIB230 | Interpret the Bible |
Colorado Mountain College–Steamboat Springs | PHI214 | Philosophy of Religion |
Community College of Denver | PHI115 | World Religions–West |
Fort Lewis College | PHIL321 | World Religions |
Front Range Community College | HUM115 | World Mythology |
Front Range Community College | PHI116 | World Religion East |
Front Range Community College | PHI203 | Introduction to Buddhism |
Front Range Community College | PHI214 | Philosophy of Religion |
Pikes Peak Community College | PHI114 O | Comparative Religions |
Pueblo Community College | PHI115 | Comparative Religions |
Red Rocks Community College | PHI116 | World Religions–East |
Regis University | RS200 | Introduction to Religious Studies |
Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design | SBS3030 | World Belief Systems |
University of Colorado–Boulder | PHIL105 | Philosophy & Religion |
University of Colorado–Boulder | RLST1620 | Religious Dimen/Human Experience |
University of Colorado–Boulder | RLST2600 | Judaism/Christianity/Islam |
University of Colorado–Boulder | RLST2610 | Religions of South Asia |
University of Colorado–Boulder | RLST2620 | Religions of East Asia |
University of Colorado–Boulder | RLST2700 | American Indian Religious Traditions |