
The newest episode of our university podcast, ‘MindfulU at Naropa University,’ is out on iTunesStitcher, and Fireside now! We are excited to announce this week’s episode features Joey Marti, graduate of Naropa University’s BA Contemplative Psychology Program.

play-icon Episode 21 – Joey Marti: Healing Emotional Trauma Naturally with TiPi

T.I.P.I., the French acronym for “Technique d’Identification des Peurs Inconscientes,” or “Technique for the Sensory Identification of Subconscious Fears” in English, resets our emotional response to trauma naturally, using the body’s sensory memory to harmonize with the trauma’s origin. Joey Marti discusses TiPi and how he uses it, and how Naropa’s psychology programs helped him.

A Colorado transplant who moved here to attend Naropa, Joey received his Bachelor’s Degree in 2014 in Contemplative Psychology with a dual concentration in Health & Healing and Somatic Psychology. While progressing through his studies, Joey realized that he wanted to further his knowledge within the myriad forms of natural medicine. This realization led him to the desire to be a Doctor; his ultimate dream is to assist in bridging the gap between the numerous fields of medicine, health, healing, and wellness.


Present-Moment TIPI Instructions

*Only perform this specific technique when you are in a safe space (i.e. NOT driving or anything requiring your attention outside of your body)*

When you notice a trigger/emotional disturbance in the present-moment, then you can resolve it quickly & indefinitely:

  1. Close eyes
  2. Feel sensations in your body
  3. “Allow my sensations to evolve” – can say verbally or internally
  4. Open eyes when you feel a sense of calm

If you do not feel calm after 2.5 minutes, then something in the 1,2,3 did not integrate properly. Contact me to discuss. (