The newest episode of our university podcast, ‘Mindful U at Naropa University,’ is out on iTunes, Stitcher, and Fireside now! We are happy to announce this week’s episode features Itai Ivtzan, PhD, core faculty member in Naropa’s Mindfulness-Based Transpersonal Counseling program.
Itai Ivtzan, PhD: The Discovery of Meaning and Purpose
“The disciplines of psychology and spirituality both offer us a gift. Psychology, being the mind-oriented discipline, seems to offer us a chance to envision ourselves within our surroundings. At the same time, spirituality invites us to move beyond the mind, and even beyond the definitions of a self. Most of us tend to focus on one or the other over our lives. But, in doing so, we often narrow our experience. When these two disciplines are married, however, we can achieve an incredible explosion of potential to live life as fully as possible.”
Dr. Itai Ivtzan is passionate about the combination of psychology and spirituality. It makes his heart sing. He is convinced that if we befriend both psychology and spirituality, and succeed in introducing them into our lives, we will all become super-heroes, and gain super-strengths of awareness, courage, resilience, and compassion. Isn’t this an amazing prospect? Over the past 15 years, Dr. Ivtzan has run seminars, lectures, workshops and retreats in the UK and around the world, at various educational institutions and at private events. He is a regular keynote speaker at conferences. He published several books, as well as many journal papers and book chapters. His main areas of research are mindfulness and spirituality. Dr. Ivtzan is confident that mindfulness meditation has the power to change individuals – in fact, whole societies – for the better. Accordingly, he has been investing much time in studying mindfulness academically, writing books about it, teaching it, and training mindfulness teachers.
If you wish to get additional information about his work or contact him, please visit