a micro review by Travis Klempan, MFA 2016
Canarium Books (2013) $14
Great Guns is Farnoosh Fathi’s first poetry collection. The book is divided into three sections, and each poem contains coherent and lyrical language that alternately amuses, intrigues, and activates. Her background in poetry, translation, and critical analysis clearly informs her work here. In particular, her connection to Emily Dickinson’s poems shows clear strength here, with each poem subtly addressed to an intended reader or recipient. The opening lines of “Lady Fool” contain this delicate connection to the traditional past while creating a new present and future: “This helium—a fighting voice—promise this— / the old lady said, wires doubling wildly overhead.” Fathi’s collection stands on its own merits but it also belongs in the tradition of important American poets continuing to innovate and expand poetic meaning.