The Life & Legacy of Gandhi through Intergenerational Dialogue

By Candace Walworth, Peace Studies Program Chair

“You must watch my life, how I live, eat, sit, talk, behave in general. The sum total of all those in me is my religion.” –Mohandas K. Gandhi

Thank you, Dr. Kritee Kritee and Dr. Sudarshan Kapur for participating in a recent “Socially Engaged Spirituality” class to explore the legacy of Gandhi’s life and work for our times.


Kritee (dharma name Kanko) is a Zen teacher, scientist, activist, dancer and permaculture designer. She directs and teaches at Boundless in Motion Sangha in Boulder in the Rinzai-Obaku Buddhist lineage of Cold Mountain and is a Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Boulder Eco-Dharma Sangha. She currently works as a senior scientist in the Global Climate Program at the Environmental Defense Fund and is helping implement environment and climate-friendly methods of farming at large scales in Asia.

Kritee’s presentation (The Role of Spirituality & Community-Building: Satyagraha for All Life on the Planet”) is available on the top of this webpage as a PDF.

Sudarshan Kapur, the author of Raising Up a Prophet: The African-American Encounter with Gandhi, retired from his post as a Naropa Peace Studies professor in 2010. As part of the 50th-anniversary celebrations of the visit to India of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Professor Kapur went to India to lecture on the long tradition of contact between African-Americans and Indians leading up to the King visit in 1959.

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Following the class, I received an email from Dr. Kapur in which he wrote, “It is always a joy to be with such energetic learners. Naropa is fortunate to have students such as these who will make ours a better world even as they seek to advance intellectually and spiritually.”

As if in reply, Tyler Dewey, Peace Studies junior from Rochester, New York, sent the following note: “To meet two individuals who deeply know the life of Gandhi and the impact that Gandhi’s beliefs can have on our communities was an honor. I was deeply inspired by what Kritee and Sudarshan had to say and cannot thank them enough for taking the time to share their wisdom and knowledge with us.”

These are among the sources Professor Kapur shared with students.


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Located in Boulder, Colorado, Naropa University is a Buddhist-inspired, nonsectarian liberal arts university that is recognized as the birthplace of the mindfulness movement. Naropa offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs that emphasize professional and personal growth, intellectual development, and cultivating compassion. 

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Naropa Campuses Closed on Friday, March 15, 2024

Due to adverse weather conditions, all Naropa campuses will be closed Friday, March 15, 2024.  All classes that require a physical presence on campus will be canceled. All online and low-residency programs are to meet as scheduled.

Based on the current weather forecast, the Healing with the Ancestors Talk & Breeze of Simplicity program scheduled for Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday will be held as planned.

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