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Erotic Justice & Sexual Citizenship

An Introduction

April 20th 2023 // Evening Talk // Live Online

About This Program

Human sexuality is often regarded as natural, but who possesses the freedom to express their “natural” sexuality without fear of reprisal?

We are bombarded by sexual imagery, yet often feel uneasy discussing sexuality, especially our own.
In our isolation, we are left wondering if we are “normal” sexually.

Join Carole Clements, Associate Professor of Contemplative Psychology at Naropa University, as they introduce the concept of erotic justice and its relevance in today’s polarized cultural climate.

Together, we will discover how the transformative framework of erotic justice builds upon identity-focused approaches to social justice and normalizes conversation about sexuality in community. Carole will demonstrate how erotic justice embraces the fullness and complexity of our sexualities so we might respond more effectively to sexual trauma and activated states of mind and body toward developing the skillful means needed for personal and cultural evolution.

This talk will…

  • Distinguish between gender, sex, and sexuality
  • Distinguish between norm, normal, and normative
  • Define sexual citizenship
  • Define erotic justice (including its feminist and queer foundations)
  • Distinguish between erotic justice and sexual justice
  • Discuss pleasure activism
  • Explore how these concepts can be applied to activist work

Participants will leave this evening talk with a greater sense of openness in discussing sex and sexuality, as well as an expanded understanding of the role gender and sexuality play, not only in establishing diverse and inclusive communities, but in creating a widespread culture of belonging.

Program Schedule & Cost

Free Evening Talk

Thursday | April 20th 2023 | 6:30pm – 8:00pm Mountain Time

This program is offered live online via Zoom. A meeting link will be provided after registration.

Meet Your Instructor


Carole Clements, MFA, MA

Carole Clements, a former Dean of Naropa College, is Associate Professor of Contemplative Psychology at Naropa University, where they teach courses in Dynamics of Intimate Relationships, Erotic Intelligence, Sexual Narratives, and Human Sexuality. 

Carole is a mindfulness-based LGBTQIA+ inclusive psychotherapist, specializing in gender, sexuality, and intimate relationships for monogamous and consensually non-monogamous individuals, partnerships and relationship constellations. Beyond their work as an educator and psychotherapist, Carole presents nationally and internationally on topics such as erotic justice, erotic resilience, developmental sexual complexity, the impact of White Supremacy on discursive sexuality, and queering sexuality research.

Carole’s book, Sex Positivity and White-sex Supremacy: Ending Complicity in Black Body Erasure, will be published by Routledge in 2023 as part of a book series on Leading Conversations in Black Sexualities and Identities. Carole identifies as queer with a feminine aesthetic and delights in the word “vermillion” and the color chartreuse.      

Carole Clements, a former Dean of Naropa College, is Associate Professor of Contemplative Psychology at Naropa University, where they teach courses in Dynamics of Intimate Relationships, Erotic Intelligence, Sexual Narratives, and Human Sexuality. 

Carole is a mindfulness-based LGBTQIA+ inclusive psychotherapist, specializing in gender, sexuality, and intimate relationships for monogamous and consensually non-monogamous individuals, partnerships and relationship constellations. Beyond their work as an educator and psychotherapist, Carole presents nationally and internationally on topics such as erotic justice, erotic resilience, developmental sexual complexity, the impact of White Supremacy on discursive sexuality, and queering sexuality research.

Carole’s book, Sex Positivity and White-sex Supremacy: Ending Complicity in Black Body Erasure, will be published by Routledge in 2023 as part of a book series on Leading Conversations in Black Sexualities and Identities. Carole identifies as queer with a feminine aesthetic and delights in the word “vermillion” and the color chartreuse.

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Naropa Campuses Closed on Friday, March 15, 2024

Due to adverse weather conditions, all Naropa campuses will be closed Friday, March 15, 2024.  All classes that require a physical presence on campus will be canceled. All online and low-residency programs are to meet as scheduled.

Based on the current weather forecast, the Healing with the Ancestors Talk & Breeze of Simplicity program scheduled for Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday will be held as planned.

Staff that do not work remotely or are scheduled to work on campus, can work remotely. Staff that routinely work remotely are expected to continue to do so.

As a reminder, notifications will be sent by e-mail and the LiveSafe app.  

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