Sarah Richards Graba
Adjunct Faculty
Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, Psychology
BA in English with creative writing emphasis at University of Colorado – Boulder, Secondary English/Language Arts teaching license at University of Colorado – Boulder, MFA in Writing & Poetics with prose emphasis at Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa University
BA Creative Writing & Literature, BA Psychology Online, MFA Creative Writing & Poetics
Creative Nonfiction Workshop (BA JKS), Ekphrastic Writing Workshop (BA JKS), Women Writers (BA JKS), Cultural & Ethnic Literature (BA JKS), Writing Seminar II (BA Core), MFA Critical Thesis (MFA JKS), Writing Pedagogy (MFA JKS), Social & Multicultural Foundations (MA CPBP)
Sarah Richards Graba is a writer, teacher, and artist. Sarah has numerous publishing projects (digital design and letterpress), and is a freelance writer and coach. As a member of collective.aporia, she organizes online writing/arts workshops for the global artist community. Sarah is interested in disruption and subversion, ritual and tradition-and how these intersect with community and hybridity.
- You can find Sarah’s creative work, book reviews, and interviews in Morning/Mourning, Bombay Gin, Something on Paper, Semicolon, Pleiades Magazine, and elsewhere.