PJ Gunter
Career Development Advisor
Center of Career Life Development
Is it possible to have work that suits the spirit, mind and body? PJ Gunter thinks so. And the fulfillment journey starts before too much lifetime is squandered away searching.
Whether starting or rerouting a career path, PJ is here to provide options. Through her world-class training in the hospitality industry, along with experience in adult education, energy psychology, and personal financial counseling, PJ is eager to get to know Naropa University’s students—one-by-one—and help them with viable career paths.
The Naropa experience is excellent grounding in self-awareness. PJ sees her role as expanding visions of career possibilities that are more centered on the individual than the labor market.
She holds two MS degrees in Personal Financial Planning and Human Resources Development in addition to Reiki Master and counseling certifications. Most importantly, she is a compassionate guide who is willing to open windows of potential.