Adrián is passionate about human transformation in service of the living Earth. Integral ecopsychologist, contemplative teacher, ritualist, international facilitator, & author, Adrián is Adjunct Faculty at Naropa and Core Faculty in the East West Psychology Department at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Hes the founder and director of the Bioalchemy Institute and the Work That Reconnects Latin America, author of a few books, editor of the first anthology on the applications of the Work That Reconnects in Latin America, and translator of Joanna Macys seminal book, Coming Back to Life: The Updated Guide to the Work That Reconnects. His work and research have centered on the confluence of Eastern liberation teachings, Earth-based Traditions, and Ecopsychology, resulting in an elemental framework for self-discovery, healing, and regenerative action. Adrián has been engaged in transformative education for seventeen years and has offered individual counseling for the last nine years. His work is often considered a Latin American referent when it comes to Nature Reconnection, Ecopsychologies, and Earth-based spirituality. The contemplative and Earth-based lineages of beauty, wisdom, and compassion he has honored since his teens serve as the guiding force behind his service toward personal transformation and socio-ecological viability.
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