Naropa recently received an exciting update from alumnus Bao Nguyen:
“I graduated 2006 MA Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies. Now as mayor of Garden Grove, California, I’m the first Vietnamese American Democratic mayor in the United States, the first directly-elected openly gay mayor in Orange County, California, and candidate for U.S. Congress, where I would become the first openly gay immigrant to ever serve in Congress.
I practice applying my Naropa contemplative education every day in my work as a public servant. Naropa has taught me how to develop authentic leadership skills to embrace the challenges of political life as opportunities to cultivate resilience and to be a warrior for peace and justice.
Last July, on behalf of my city, I presented the key to the city to the Dalai Lama and proclaimed the City of Garden Grove a City of Compassion on the occasion of His Holiness’ 80th birthday. Upon receiving the key, His Holiness said, “Compassion is the key to inner peace and happiness.”
See more information about me and my campaign at and at”