Karen Drucker, PsyD, TEP
Visiting Instructor
MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Karen is a Licensed Psychologist in Boulder, Colorado, where she has been in private practice working with both individuals and groups for over 20 years. Her work has included working with trauma survivors at Columbine High School after the school shooting in 1999 and in Turkey after the earthquakes.
As a Board-Certified Trainer, Practitioner of Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy, she leads two monthly psychodrama training groups for therapists drawing on her vast experience and expertise in working with trauma.
She has taught at Naropa University in the Mindfulness and Transpersonal Graduate Counseling Program for nearly 20 years and continues to offer supervision. Karen is a warm and engaging teacher and facilitator of experiences that are simple, powerful, and integrative for learning and healing. She has facilitated groups of Women Veterans since 2015 in outdoor retreat settings and loves the courage and commitment that these women bring to the forefront.
Drucker, K (2013), Psychodrama and the Therapeutic Spiral Model in Individual Therapy. Healing World Trauma with the Therapeutic Spiral Model: Psychodramatic Stories from the Frontlines, Hudgins, M.K, and Toscani, F, editors, Jessica Kingsley.
Hudgins, M.K., Drucker, K., & Metcalf, K. (2000). The containing double: a clinically effective psychodrama intervention for PTSD. British Journal of Psychodrama and Sociometry, 15(1), 58-78.
Drucker, K., & Hunter, R. (1984). Program Characteristics and Success in a Resocialization Program for Adjudicated Delinquents. Corrective and Social Psychiatry, Spring, 30.
Drucker, K., & Maddock, S.J. (1980). Analysis of Management Alternatives: Off-Road Vehicle Use, Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts. North Atlantic Regional Office, Boston, MA: National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.
Hudgins, M.K.& Drucker, K. (1998). The containing double as part of the therapeutic spiral model for treating trauma survivors. The International Journal of Action Methods, 51, 2, 63-74.
Unpublished Research
Drucker, K. (2000). Investigating the effectiveness of the containing double intervention for a subject with PTSD symptoms. Doctoral dissertation. American School of Professional Psychology, Virginia