Friday night talk general – $25 in person, $15 online; Friday night Seniors (55+) – $20 in person, $10 online; Full Retreat general – $225 in person, $150 online; Full Retreat Seniors – $200 in person, $135 online
If you are interested in the feminine tradition in Tibetan Buddhism, you are invited to engage with a world class scholar and learn about the dakini’s wisdom lessons through sitting practice, talks and guided meditations, and breakout discussion groups.
The practice of meditation uncovers our fundamental wisdom, the intimate understanding of vastness at the heart of experience known as the feminine principle. In the experience of men and women, this vastness arises as fearless wisdom symbolized by the dakini, the sky-dancing goddess of Tibetan Buddhism. Through an exploration of the dakini, we may access our own vast wisdom beyond gender–and yet discover new meaning in our embodied, passionate lives as women and men. This retreat explores the dakini’s wisdom lessons through sitting practice, talks and guided meditations, and breakout discussion groups.
Judith Simmer-Brown, PhD, is Distinguished Professor of Contemplative and Religious Studies Emeritix at Naropa University, where she is a Founding Faculty. She continues as an adjunct and a part of Naropa’s Compassion Initiative. She is a senior dharma teacher in Shambhala International, and teaches meditation widely. She is author of Dakini’s Warm Breath: The Feminine Principle in Tibetan Buddhism (Shambhala) and editor, with Fran Grace, of Meditation and the Classroom: Contemplative Pedagogy for Religious Studies (SUNY).