Call for Submissions (Issue 41)

BOMBAY GIN 41: The Walls of the City Shake

“When the mode of the music changes,
the walls of the city shake.” –Plato

We live in a moment of continuous flux, constantly under construction and in progress, an amalgamation of histories and futures meeting in a metropolis of being; perhaps this is the being you find yourself existing in, right now.

One might call this a city.

Cities are constantly becoming the city they will someday be, perpetually reimagined; the city shakes with sunlight each morning, unfinished. What is it that shakes the boundaries, the borderlands, the lines and angles of your city? Is it constant hum of robots or insects; does your city sleep?

Where might you reside?—What is your city? Perhaps you live in a metropolis. Perhaps you are an itinerant vagabond traveler, always somewhere other than where you began. Perhaps you inhabit a virtual city. Or a city of dreams.

Where are you now? What is a city for you? Are the architectural structures of your city (of your body) vibrating with the memories, histories and reveries imbued through their durational existence? How has the mode of the music shifted around you? Do the lights flicker, or blur?

As we enter into our 41st cycle, the Bombay Gin seeks to shift the mode of our music; we want our walls to shake; we want our cities to burst.

Send us your field notes, your guides, your manuals. Send us your resonant flashes that hold what trembles. We want your field notes. We want to feel the textures of your city and the way it can breathe.

Send us a map of what vibrates. What reverberates. What reforms.

The Bombay Gin seeks work that transforms, that mutates, that transgresses, that revolutionizes. Send us your artwork, book reviews, prose, poetry, cross-genre, and cross-disciplinary investigations.


  • File size should be 300dpi at 6X9 or greater.
  • Submit images in color for the front & back cover. In CMYK.
  • If your artwork for the cover wraps front to back it needs to be 13” wide x 9.25” tall. File format of jpeg or tiff.
  • Submit images in black& white for the inside folio.


  • Reviews should be 2-3pgs, double-spaced.
  • We are looking for work that in some way speaks to the above theme and reviews that critically engage the text.

Contact us for Available Review Copies at

The Tales, Jessica Bozek, Les Figues, 2013

Sped, Teresa K. Miller, Sidebrow Books, 2013

Beyond This Point Are Monsters, Roxanne Carter, Sidebrow Books, 2013

The Next Monsters, Julie Doxsee, Black Ocean, 2013

Creature, Amina Cain, Dorothy 2013

Ana Patova Crosses a Bridge, Renee Gladman, Dorothy, 2013

Coming Events (Collected Writings), Susan Gevirtz, Nightboat Books, 2013

Cunt Norton, Dodie Bellamy, Les Figues Press, 2013

More Radiant Signal, Juliana Leslie, Letter Machine Editons, 2010

Haute Surveillance, Johannes Goransson, Tarpaulin Sky, 2013

Samsara, Erica Anzalone, Noemi Press, 2012

Videotape, Andrew Zawacki, Counterpath, 2013

154 Forties, Jackson Mac Low, Ed. Anne Tardos, Counterpath, 2012

Submission deadline: August 15, 2014

In general, we welcome manuscripts of prose, poetry, and cross-genre work. Poetry submissions should be comprised of 3-5 poems; prose and cross-genre manuscripts should generally consist of no more than 15 pages. Please include a 100 word bio, email and mailing address with your submission. Submit here.

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Naropa Campuses Closed on Friday, March 15, 2024

Due to adverse weather conditions, all Naropa campuses will be closed Friday, March 15, 2024.  All classes that require a physical presence on campus will be canceled. All online and low-residency programs are to meet as scheduled.

Based on the current weather forecast, the Healing with the Ancestors Talk & Breeze of Simplicity program scheduled for Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday will be held as planned.

Staff that do not work remotely or are scheduled to work on campus, can work remotely. Staff that routinely work remotely are expected to continue to do so.

As a reminder, notifications will be sent by e-mail and the LiveSafe app.  

Regardless of Naropa University’s decision, if you ever believe the weather conditions are unsafe, please contact your supervisor and professors.  Naropa University trusts you to make thoughtful and wise decisions based on the conditions and situation in which you find yourself in.