Jack Kerouac School Webstore
Bombay Gin Subscriptions
Bombay Gin Subscriptions
Hoa Nguyen, “Orpheus” Broadside
The 2015-2016 Allen Ginsberg Visiting Fellow was the esteemed Hoa Nguyen. In honor of Hoa’s visit, Julia Seko’s Fall 2015 class created this broadside for the ongoing Ginsberg Fellow series. The broadside features handset type and an original linoleum carving. Run of 100 signed copies.

Kevin Killian, “Valentine (for Andrew Durbin)” Broadside
The Jack Kerouac School was honored to have Kevin Killian visit as the 2014-2015 Allen Ginsberg Visiting Fellow. This broadside features handset type and linoleum block printing by Julia Seko’s Fall 2014 letterpress class. Run of 108 signed copies.

JKS Leadership Commemorative Broadside Series #2: Allen Ginsberg
The second broadside in the leadership series, this time honoring Allen Ginsberg. Using an excerpt from his famous poem “America,” this broadside is striking in its use of rich paper and bold metallic ink.

JKS Leadership Commemorative Broadside Series #1: Anne Waldman
In 2015, students in the Harry Smith Print Shop began work on a broadside series commemorating the revered writers who have held the leadership position at the Kerouac School. This will be an on-going series, with a new broadside released annually.
The first in the series, this broadside features an excerpt from Anne Waldman’s Iovis II and a hand-carved linoleum print.

Anselm Hollo, Seven
This limited-edition chapbook was printed in collaboration with Jane Dalrymple-Hollo and in conjunction with the Kerouac School’s [Dis]embodied Poetics Conference in October 2014. This rare collection of book includes a special frontice piece of original artwork by Jane. Layout, design, and letterpress printing by Brad O’Sullivan.

Anne Waldman “Heft” Accordion Book
This unique artist’s book was created during the 2015 Summer Writing Program in Brad O’Sullivan’s workshop. Featuring previously-unpublished work by Anne Waldman, readers can explore the text as either a fold-out accordion structure or as a reverse codex structure. Printed in a very limited run, only a few copies of this special artifact remain available.

Anselm Hollo, Baby Anselm
Printed and sewn as part of Brad O’Sullivan’s 2014 Summer Writing Program workshop, this special book is a re-printing of an archival Anselm poem. Jane Dalrymple-Hollo provided original artwork for the frontice piece, and all pages were letterpress printed using hand-set type and polymer plates. A true collector’s item!

Various Authors, Hydrogen Jukebox
This book was commissioned by Michelle Naka Pierce in commemoration of the [Dis]embodied Poetics Conference and Naropa’s 40th anniversary. Designed and printed in a limited edition of 250 copies by Brad O’Sullivan, Julia Seko’s Fall 2014 class, and Jade Lascelles, this perfect-bound book includes work from forty key figures of the Jack Kerouac School legacy. Featured contributors include: Amiri Baraka, Mei-Mei-Berssenbrugge, Junior Burke, Reed Bye, Jack Collom, Allen Ginsberg, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Laird Hunt, Anselm Hollo, Joanne Kyger, Alice Notley, Akilah Oliver, Leslie Scalapino, Lorenzo Thomas, Anne Waldman, and many more.

Lisa Robertson Untitled Broadside
Printed in commemoration of Lisa Robertson’s visit to Naropa as the 2013-2014 Allen Ginsberg Visiting Fellow. This broadside, featuring hand-set type and a linoleum block carving, was created by Julia Seko’s Fall 2013 letterpress class in a limited run of 100, all of which have been signed by Lisa.

Laurie Anderson, "Words With the Word 'the' in Front of Them"
The 2012 Summer Writing Program was lucky to have Laurie Anderson on campus to lecture and perform. Using a previous live performance as inspiration and working collaboratively with Laurie herself, Brad O’Sullivan designed this concept book, which he then printed with his Week 4 workshop participants. The project features a book-in-the-round design and a die-cut, hand-assembled envelope. Laurie even stopped by the shop to participate in some the printing! Two sets were printed—an unsigned run of 100 copies and a set of 26 hand-lettered and signed by the author.
- Please note: Only unsigned copies are available. Signed copies have sold out.

Anselm Hollo, Last Poem
The January 2013 passing of longtime faculty member, friend, and beloved poet Anselm Hollo left a notable absence in the 2013 Summer Writing Program community. In respect for, and celebration of, Anselm’s work and legacy, Brad O’Sullivan’s SWP workshop printed and assembled this unique fold-out broadside of the last poem Anselm composed. Featuring a foreword by Anselm’s daughter, Tamsin, a 4-color rendition of original artwork by Jane Dalrymple-Hollo, and hand-sewn into a die-cut envelope cover, this project was printed in a run of 100 unsigned copies and 26 lettered copies signed by Jane.

Kavyayantra Reading Series Chapbooks
Hosted at Naropa in 2009–2010, the Kavyayantra Reading Series consisted of seven events total. Each event hosted a reading for the featured writer, and a small chapbook of his/her work was sold to commemorate the evening. All chapbooks are signed by the author and feature a letterpress cover printed by Brad O’Sullivan of Smokeproof Press. Featured writers are listed below.
Price $10
- Roger Snell
- Kass Fleisher
- Peter Gizzi
- David Buuck
- Gillian Conoley
- Shin Yu Pai and Dennis Maloney
Anne Waldman, "Mother & Child" Chapbook
A miniature chapbook of Waldman’s poem “Mother & Child” printed in October 1993. Unsewn and unsigned copies available from the original print run.
Price: $10

Andrew Schelling, The Kavyayantra Press: A Brief History 1993–1997
Printed to accompany a letterpress exhibit at Naropa’s Allen Ginsberg Library in 1997, this booklet features the story behind our press imprint, including the acquisition of the equipment and the founding of the Harry Smith Print Shop (our on-campus letterpress workshop). Produced in a run of 300, the digital interior and letterpressed cover were designed and printed by Brad O’Sullivan of Smokeproof Press.

Price: $10
Bhanu Kapil, "Stay With Me Forever"
Designed and printed by Julia Seko’s 2005 Summer Writing Program workshop and featuring hand-set type and linoleum carvings (made by Seko).
Price: $10

Robert Spellman, "Invocation to the Hag of Naropa" Broadside
Each fall, Naropa hosts a campus-wide convocation event to celebrate the new academic year. At the 2012 event, Robert Spellman read his “Invocation to the Hag of Naropa.” In commemoration of this performance, Naropa’s Office of the President commissioned Jade Lascelles to create a broadside of the poem. Aesthetically inspired by Spellman’s Sabbatical Exhibition, this broadside was printed in a run of 100 and each copy was signed by the author.
Price: $10

Allen Ginsberg, Mind Writing Slogans
Brad O’Sullivan’s Spring 2011 letterpress class took on an unprecedented collaborative project—to letterpress print an entire chapbook in one semester. The chosen text was Allen Ginsberg’s Mind Writing Slogans, a collection of inspired and inspiring quotes Ginsberg compiled as a guide to “writing the mind.” Previously out of print since 1994, this second edition was printed with permission from the Ginsberg estate in a run of 500 copies and features a new foreword by Anne Waldman.
Price: $10

Alice Notley, "Two of Swords" Broadside
In celebration of Alice Notley’s visit as the 2011–2012 Allen Ginsberg Visiting Fellow, Julia Seko’s letterpress class designed and printed this die-cut and folded broadside. The design takes inspiration from the tarot card alluded to within the poem’s content. Printed in a run of 100, all copies were signed by the author.
Price: $10

Harryette Mullen, "Land of the Discount Price, Home of the Brand Name" Broadside
Harryette Mullen came to Naropa as the 2012–2013 Allen Ginsberg Visiting Fellow. To celebrate this bestowment, Julia Seko’s Fall 2012 letterpress class designed and printed this broadside in a run of 100, which Harryette then signed. She highlighted the poem as the closing piece for her featured reading during her visit.
Price: $10